Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our sweet baby Logan

Our first picture as a family of 3!

Hello!  I have decided to start this blog after following a friend who has twins.  I thought it would be a great way to remember all the milestones of Logan's life!  Just wish I would have started sooner! 
To begin with we found out on August 13, 2010 that we were expecting.  I was only about 3 weeks along but I had taken a couple differnt tests the 2 days before and they very faintly showed the two lines (meaning it was positive) but we still were not sure.  On the 13th (it was Friday the 13th-now I dont believe it is always that bad of a day) I took a test that was very obvious it was positive.  We told a couple people the next week.  Of course they were completely thrilled!  We went to the dr for the 1st time on August 24th.  We just saw the nurse.  She said we would not have an unltrasound until I was 13 weeks.  This news bummed us out.  We had a miscarriage November of 2009 and were worried it would happen again so we wanted to see our baby.  Well being the wonderful person she was, she scheduled us an ultrasound 2 days later!  It was so exciting.  We got to see our baby for the first time.  He looked kinda like a seahorse. :)  But everything looked good.  The only downside was that I had morning (well all day) sickness in full swing!  It was horrible but everyone kept telling me it would only last until 12 weeks.  So rather than counting down to my due date, I focused on counting down to week 12.  When it came and went I still was sick.  Then week 20 came and went and I was still sick.  I got sick every morning up until the day I had him with the excpetion of maybe 5 days!  I was miserable. 
On December 6, we found out we were having a BOY!  Bryan was very excited!  We had bets on what the baby was and he was right.  Plus he wanted a son to be able to play baseball with and all that fun stuff, I told him girls were just as good-I did all that stuff with my dad!  But I was very happy as well!  I only took a half day off from school because my kids wanted to know what I was having.  So I went to walmart, got a cookie cake and had them write "It's a boy!" on it.  I bought them some juice and after lunch suprised them with the news.  I had them read the cake and of course all the boys in my class (17 of them) were high fiving each other and the girls (only 5 of them) were bummed out!  I then cut the cookie and passed it out.  As I was passing it out one boy asked me "So, Mrs. Smith is it a boy or a girl?"  Oh my! 
Well it took a while to come up with a name, we really liked Brayden Paul but changed our minds.  We finally agreed on Logan.  We couldnt come up with a middle name so I told Bryan he could pick it and he kept it a secret until he was born!  I knew of a couple of possibilities but not the official middle name until he was born. 
Logan really did good at Christmas!  He got so many clothes! He was already on his way to being completely spoiled! 
The rest of the pregnancy is just a blur.  Looking back it went fast but at the time I thought it was NEVER going to end!  We had a 4-D ultrasound and he would not cooperate, he kept his face turned the whole time.  We tried it again and the same thing happened.  Already a stubborn boy!  So we would have to wait until he was born to see his beautiful face!
On March 17 I was having terrible back pain.  I called the hospital and they said to be safe I should come in and get checked out.  We were scared, we grabbed our hospital bag and were off.  We decided not to tell our family because we knew they would rush over and wait for no reason.  Well we had to stop at McDonalds (because thats what you do if you think you could be in labor) to get a drink.  I go to get my purse to pay and realize I forgot it at home!  In order to check into the hospital I needed my ID and Insurance card.  So rather than turning around and going home we called Bryan's dad to bring it to us.  By the time we got to the hospital, Joe was already over halfway there!  We went ahead and got in a room and got hooked up to monitors.  After staying a couple hours they decided everything was ok.  But I would only be working half-days from now on because of my back pain.  This was the best thing for me, I would come home and sleep until 3:00.  Dont think I could have made it at school.  I started my leave April 11.  I did a whole lot of nothing this week, just resting and getting ready for Logan.  On April 18 I went to the doctor for a checkup.  He said he would induce me on that Friday if I wanted, I told him I would prefer sooner but that would work :) I was ready!  He did some kind of procedure to "get things moving" he says.  Well the rest of the day I felt horrible.  I went to eat at the Gallery with a friend and had to leave because I thought I was getting sick.  I kept having contractions.  I called Dr. Smith's office.  She told me if I had more than 6 in and hour to go to the hospital.  When Bryan got home from work, in record time, we headed to the hospital.  After being monitored for an hour we figured we were going home but the nurse came in and said Dr. Smith was there and wanted to go ahead and induce me!  My first question was "When can I get the epidural?"  She told me as soon as I wanted it I could have it.  :) 
About 7:00 they hooked me up to an IV.  Then Dr. Smith came in to tell me he was going to break my water.  But I didnt have my epidural yet?!  He said it wouldnt hurt him at all!  Ha!  He was right, it didnt hurt him one bit but I have never expereinced so much pain in my life! As Bryan looked the other way I climbed up the bed and screamed!  An hour later I was able to get my epidural.  It was instant relief!  Next time I'm pregnant I want one of those the whole time!  Soon everyone was there to wait for Logan, even though we told them it would be the next day and they didnt need to come.  By midnight everyone left but my mom and Bryan.  Mom slept on the couch most of the time (even though she says she didnt get much sleep) and Bryan paced the room and I watched t.v.  The next morning at 11:00 I was not progressing like I should be-still at a 6- and they said if I hadnt made any progress in a hour they would probably prep me for a c-section.  At this point I was ready to get it over.  14 hours is a long time!  Well my Aunt Judy came in about them and told Logan that she was there so he could arrive now.  The nurse checked me again and I was at an 8!  I stayed this way for about 2 more hours.  About fixed minutes after she checked and I was still at an 8, Judy came back and told Logan it was time.  Well instantly my back started hurting and I was very uncomfortable.  They nurse came in saying the baby was going crazy on the monitor.  She checked again and said "wow you are at a 10 and he is right there!"  So everyone left the room and I began to panic.  This was at 2:05.  By 2:40 Logan was born!  Judy should of came alot sooner!  He was 6 pounds and 18.5 inches long.  He was perfect.  Bryan and I spent time alone with him for about 30 minutes then we decided we better start letting people come in to see him. We let Tessa and Kaleb come in 1st but they had to bring me a Diet Coke.  Living off ice chips for 20 hours was not good!  After that everyone else came in and got to see him.  Everyone was so proud and excited!  We had to stay at the hospital for 2 days which was fine with me because I was scared to death to take him home!  I still think they should let you bring home and nurse too!  We had many many visitors while we were there.  We are very blessed to have so many people in our lives that care about us!  I will add more pictures later!